In its October 2015 issue, the Journal of Water (JOW) introduced a new feature, Then & Now, in which JOW periodically looks back at major issues and compares the analyses, assessments and predictions made in Water Strategist (WS… Continue reading
This report is prepared in response to a request by Cadiz Inc (Cadiz) to evaluate the
probability that the Colorado River Aqueduct (CRA) will have space available to convey water
for beneficial use by the Santa Margarita Water District and… Continue reading
Stratecon’s work for Golden State Water was cited in an article Water and Eminent Domain: A Volatile Mix by John Howard in Capitol Weekly.
After years of analysis and debate, last December the City of Claremont filed suit against… Continue reading
KC Armstrong, host of the Keepin it Real live radio show at WRNW1-Women’s Radio Network, interviewed Stratecon President Rodney T. Smith, Ph. D. for the second time on January 14, 2015. The interview covered a range of topics, but… Continue reading
Rodney T. Smith, Ph.D., President of Stratecon Inc., will be participating in the Private Investment Perspectives panel discussion at the Lone Star Water Summit scheduled to take place December 10-12, 2014 in Austin, TX. This summit is intended to… Continue reading