Stratecon’s work for Golden State Water was cited in an article Water and Eminent Domain: A Volatile Mix by John Howard in Capitol Weekly.
After years of analysis and debate, last December the City of Claremont filed suit against Golden State Water Company in an effort lead by local residents and politicians to gain local control of their own system. This push for control is founded in the belief that by doing so there will be a decrease in rates affecting about 30,000 people.
As expected, there’s two sides to every story and Golden State has requested the suit be dismissed and notes that their PUC-approved rates reflect many factors.
Stratecon was commissioned by Golden State to provide an economic analysis of the proposed City acquisition of the Claremont water system. Dr. Smith commented, “If the goal is to charge lower water rates, then the effort should be abandoned because that goal is not a feasible outcome through the condemnation process. The cost of acquiring the system is high, and the problem is that no one can say at this point how high that cost will be.”
Initial court actions are pending at this time.
Read the full Capitol Weekly article
Read the study and fact sheet